
  • Creative Cabaret

    Creative Cabaret

    Infusion was excited to perform at the Creative Cabaret Cambridge last month! Perched on a high flying stage in the atmospheric Union Society Café, Daniel Cossette performed three different mimes alongside other talented performers. Click for images!

    The Cabaret is an entertaining evening bringing a variety of delights; each time they host different artists, from comedian poets, to song writer/musicians, to dancers. Set under the high roof and historical reputation of the Union Society building, the intimate venue becomes a sea of enjoyment as the lights, refreshments, and artistry takes the audience away on a journey of–exactly as it says–creativity.
    It was a fun, inspiring evening, and we highly recommend it! Find them here to get info on the next cabaret you won’t want to miss!

    dan creative cabaret

  • Welcome!


    Infusion Physical Theatre is a physical performing arts group that specializes in mime, dance, and storytelling, all with an infusion of Faith.

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