Cambridge Festival Recap

Congratulations to the whole team for a fantastic event!

After a fantastic turnout to both shows, Infusion is pleased to announce that due to funding from the Arts Council England and the Royal Society of Chemistry you can catch the show online for the next 30 days!

Check out our YouTube channel here.

We especially loved the audience comments:

“Beautiful dancing and wonderful to have an insight into science through art.”

“The concept and the show were fantastic, a really immersive experience into mental health and emotional regulation.”

“World-class performance. There was great storytelling in the dance sequences, telling the story of how dopamine, adrenaline and oxytocin can affect us positively, why we need them, but also what happens when things go wrong. Attention was paid to the lighting, to the costumes, and the dance troupe and director clearly did their research. Absolutely wonderful experience.”

photo: Duncan Grisby

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